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Launched in 2008, Zoopla.co.uk has since been one of the fastest growing websites in the UK, now attracting over 20 million visits per month and we are proud to have collected numerous awards and accolades along the way, including being named one of the Top 10 UK Tech Companies (Guardian) and one of the Top 10 Most Innovative UK Companies (Smarta).

Our company is the Zoopla Property Group, a property portal based in the UK. We work with hundreds of International agents who list their properties on three of our portals. Zoopla.co.uk, Primelocation.com and Homesoverseas.co.uk.

Avantages Ubiflow

Bénéficiez de la plateforme la plus rapide et d'une compatibilité maximale avec tous les logiciels métiers du marché.

Tarifs Ubiflow


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